Transfer Approval Form

A student enrolled at Carthage who wishes to apply for transfer or correspondence courses taken elsewhere to Carthage must secure advance approval from the involved department chairperson and the Registrar by the end of the term prior to enrollment in the course. Students must fill out a Transfer Approval Form, also available in the Registrar’s Office, Lentz Hall 403.

Transcript Request Form

Transcripts can be requested via multiple formats.
Order transcripts

Authorization to Release Non-Directory Information

Students wishing to grant third-party access to non-directory information can do so through their Workday account.

Subcommittee for Academic Review and Recommendation Petition

The Subcommittee for Academic Review and Recommendation will meet several times throughout the academic year to review student cases whose circumstances may merit special consideration. Students wishing to petition the committee will need to fill out the above form to be returned to the Registrar’s Office. Students should be aware of the add/drop and withdrawal dates associated with course registrations. Effective January 1, 2017, petitions for dropping a course past the deadline will not be considered after 30 days into the next term. Download the petition form

Change of Major/Minor/Advisor Form

Students who wish to change their major, minor, or advisor can submit their request by email to

Change of Personal Information

Students wishing to update their personal information, including name and address, can do so at the Office of the Registrar. For a change of name please be prepared to display one of the following:

  • Driver’s license or state ID with current name
  • Marriage/divorce certification with photo ID
  • Passport with updated name

Reset Your Password

Students are issued an initial username and password as entering freshmen. If a student has forgotten their password or is unable to access their account, they should visit OneLogin to reset their password. For additional help, please contact the Help Desk at 262-551-4357.